Monday, March 2, 2009

"Monday Snow Storm"

Hi everyone, as everybody knows we had our first big snowstorm today! I have not seen a storm like this in about 5 years. Unfortunately, the children now don't really get to enjoy snow like we used too! I can remember having two or three big storms a winter, it was AWESOME!! But today was very exciting because Alexis has never seen this much snow and did she have a blast!! We made snow angels , and attempted to make a snowman but that didn't work out to well, and Shaun shoveled a whole bunch of snow into a pile and Alexis would go down her slide and she would be covered in that mountain of snow!!! It was so much fun, and I wish it would happen a little more frequently, but oh well we will just have to make do with the snow that we got this winter because spring is right around the corner. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their snow day off of work or school!! Check out my pictures that I posted of us playing outside today!

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